Crazy 8

Monday, November 3, 2014

Halloween Recap

Happy Monday everyone!  Did you all enjoy your Halloween festivities last week?  I'd say that between our playgroup Halloween party, our friends party, our family party, pumpkin carving, and three trips to three different pumpkin patches, we definitely did Halloween up!  And boy am I exhausted I might add!  But we do love this time of year and wouldn't have it any other way.

I didn't do a recap of the third Pumpkin Patch that we visited this month, which was Bates Nut Farm, so here are just a few pictures.  I'll skip over the pumpkin pictures since I did post some from our other trips.  Plus Bates has way more to offer than your average pumpkin patch.

Visitors can enjoy the farm zoo, which houses goats, emus, llamas, pigs, peacocks and more!

Inside the retail store you could literally spend hours going through all the knick knacks, toys, candy, decorations, food, holiday items, etc.  And don't forget to try their famous homemade fudge.  We sampled the pumpkin fudge and the raspberry cheesecake fudge and both were amazing.

So no pumpkin pics, but here are a couple from the picnic area where we had lunch.  The kids loved climbing on the hay, and of course their wheelbarrow ride courtesy of daddy.

Bates Nut Farm is located at 15954 Woods Valley Road, Valley Center, CA 92082 and is open year round.

Now to Halloween!  Our family ended up with dual themes this year for our costumes - Snow White/Dopey and Cop/Prisoner.  

There was no real planning behind it, and our goal is always to spend as little as possible on costumes.  Shaylin saw a Snow White costume in a store way back in August, and ever since then she said she wanted to be Snow White for Halloween.  And asked if it was Halloween almost every day since then.  Poor girl didn't understand that she had 2 months to wait!  Hubs scored her $10 dress from GTM.  

Landon's was a bit more difficult, only because I couldn't see paying $25+ for a costume that he will only wear once.  But I ended up finding a cute cop costume (a little big, but workable) for $10 at TJ Maxx.  I try to avoid costumes that come with a headpiece because the chances that my kids will wear it are slim to none.  I was able to snap some blurry phone pics in the 5-10 seconds that Landon humored me with the hat!

With both kids costumes done, Dave and I had just a few days to coordinate somehow.  Since the cop and Snow White don't relate, I figured that the most logical thing to do was pair up with the children.  I had been super busy all week, and ended up going with a cheap (totally not flattering) bag of a prisoner dress for $10 from Amazon at the very last minute (thanks Amazon Prime!).  My matching hat didn't stay on throughout the night - I guess the kids aren't the only ones that can't keep headpieces on.  And boy am I lucky that hubby is so agreeable and super spirited and rolled with the Dopey idea.  He came up with the outfit all on his own too using a snuggie, and various pieces from old costumes.  All I had to do was sew on the buttons for him.  Much props to him!  He really ended up embracing the dwarf character, and it was extra funny being that Dave is 6'5"!  Snow White absolutely adored her daddy Dopey dwarf.

And the kids had a blast trick-or-treating with their friends!

We are thankful to have had fabulous Halloween and fall celebrations all month with both family and friends and now we say goodbye to October and hello to November. Today we put away all the Halloween decorations and costumes and are preparing for turkey month!  I've started pinning a bunch of Thanksgiving ideas over on Pinterest.  Be sure to follow all our boards to keep up with the latest pins.  Here is a preview of the Thanksgiving board!


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